Wednesday, July 2, 2008

In Bruges

I was originally going to see In Bruges during the film festival Kosmorama in april, but the screeening was cancelled. I did however get to see it a couple of weeks ago. During Kosmorama I has high hopes for In Bruges and was dissapointed it got cancelled. I must admit I was a bit dissapointed again when i actually saw the movie. It is about two hit men, where one of them (Colin Farrel) messed up on the previous hit and have been told to seek cover in Bruges. The character played by Colin Farrel isn't very beliveable, not sure if that comes from poor acting or bad character build. Ray accidentally shot someone other than was intended on the previous hit and is having trouble coping with this, as is natural when you are a hit man? Basically I didn't find the story interesting or beliveable so I don't agree with the 8.1 on imdb. Moreover it seems like a massive tourist advertisment for the city of Bruges. But they did atleast achieve that, Bruges does seem like a nice city.
Trailer here

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